CBD and Skincare: A Complete Guide

Posted by Brooklyn S. on

You might be familiar with CBD as one of the most hyped ingredients in the wellness world. It’s being used to manage various health issues, including insomnia, anxiety, and neurological problems. Recently CBD has become a buzzword in the skincare industry as well. As a result, CBD is popping up in the ingredient list of all types of skincare products, from serums and moisturizers to lip balms and bath bombs.

If you’re thinking about getting on the CBD bandwagon but not well-versed with what it is and how it benefits the skin, here’s all you need to know about CBD in skincare before starting your journey:

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, or more commonly recognized as CBD, is a chemical compound from the Cannabis Sativa plant, commonly known as marijuana or hemp.¹  Around 80-100 compounds, called cannabinoids, are present in the Cannabis Sativa plant. CBD is one of two highly abundant compounds found in the Cannabis plant, second only to THC (Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol).

Hemp Vs. Marijuana

There is confusion regarding hemp and marijuana-derived CBD due to the classification, composition, and being derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant. To make it easier to understand, we’re breaking it down for you.

Hemp and Marijuana are both types of Cannabis, and both contain CBD and THC.²  The Hemp plant contains low levels of THC and very high levels of CBD, while the marijuana plant oppositely contains high levels of THC and low levels of CBD. THC is a popular psychoactive compound that is known to get people intoxicated. 

Marijuana plants may contain more than 30% THC, while hemp plants usually contain no more than .3% THC. The low levels of THC in hemp make it a non-psychoactive compound, meaning you won’t get high after using CBD products. As a result, the effects of CBD are different from the effects of marijuana. The effects of CBD are associated with improving mood and sleep quality, reducing anxiety, and easing PMS symptoms in women.

Types of CBD

As the interest in CBD products increases, so does the number of products available in the market. However, it’s crucial to know the different types of CBD out there and choose the right one. CBD is a diverse ingredient that comes with varying strengths and types. Here are three different types of CBD to choose from:

  • Full Spectrum CBD - Full spectrum CBD contains all the cannabinoids naturally present in the hemp plant. These compounds include CBD and other cannabinoids that are also part of its composition, such as CBN or CBG, and terpenes and flavonoids (responsible for flavor and scent). Full spectrum CBD has trace amounts of THC, but no more than .3%.
  • Broad Spectrum CBD - Broad spectrum CBD gives you the whole plant benefits minus the THC.³  It includes terpenes and flavonoids and usually contains non-detectable traces of THC. After extracting the oils from the plant, the oil goes through an additional process of distillation, removing any traces of THC.
  • CBD Isolate - CBD isolate doesn’t contain any compound other than CBD. This form of CBD is isolated from all the other cannabinoids, and what remains is pure CBD without any antioxidant compounds, like terpenes and flavonoids found in full and broad spectrum CBD. CBD isolate has undetectable traces of THC and is flavorless and odorless.

Benefits of CBD for the Skin

If you’re still usnure about whether to incorporate CBD in your skincare, below are some reasons why CBD skincare products should be a staple in your skincare routine:

  • Fights Signs of Aging - CBD is full of antioxidant components. As we know, the primary cause of signs of aging is exposure to harmful external factors, such as free radicals, UV rays, and other toxins in the environment. Antioxidants help to strengthen the skin’s outer protective barrier and shield it from oxidative stress. Therefore, topical use of antioxidant-packed CBD skincare products can help to reduce and prevent wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.
  • Helps Oily and Acne-prone Skin - CBD skincare products have the potential to lessen and regulate sebum produced by the sebaceous glands. Excess oil accumulated into the pores can be a breeding ground for bacteria and may cause the buildup of dirt, makeup, and other chemicals. All these impurities can lead to the formation of blackheads and acne. The oil-regulating effect of CBD can help reduce the likelihood of acne breakouts. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components of CBD are helpful in treating acne as well as the redness, discomfort, and irritation caused by it. CBD products provide calming and soothing properties, helping reactive and acne-prone skin look healthier.
  • Soothes Skin Inflammation - The natural soothing effect of CBD can help those with sensitive skin. Thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory abilities, CBD is significantly effective in toning down inflammation, itching, and redness associated with certain inflammatory skin problems, like eczema, rosacea, dermatitis, and psoriasis. 
  • Moisturizes and Hydrates the Skin - Another reason to add CBD skincare products to your skincare routine is its deeply hydrating and moisturizing properties. Other than treating dry and dehydrated skin, it also keeps the skin’s outer layer intact, which prevents cell damage and loss of moisture from the skin. This, in turn, is also useful in reducing skin inflammation, making CBD moisturizers and oils a suitable choice for people with sensitive, dry, and itchy skin.

Learning about all the benefits CBD provides and how wonderful it appears to work for the skin, it was important that we include it in some of Sundree’s skincare products. So we included 50mg of broad-spectrum CBD in Sundree’s PEPT EYES Bio-cellulose eye mask. The addition of CBD with Copper Peptides, White Tea Extract, and Cucumber in the formula helps hydrate and firm the delicate under-eye area, in addition to helping inflammation associated with puffy eyes.  

Sundree’s RYSE+SHYNE facial serum is a hydrating formula that includes 100mg of CBD per bottle. This potent formula also includes Hyaluronic Acid to hydrate and plump up fine lines and wrinkles, Niacinamide to improve skin’s texture and minimize the appearance of pores, and Vitamin C to help brighten skin and help lighten dark spots.

How to Find the Best CBD Products?

We understand it can be difficult to choose the right CBD skincare products with so many options out there to choose from. That’s why we have created some useful tips to use while you go shopping for your CBD skincare:

  1. Make sure to look for the ingredient labeled as CBD, Cannabidiol, or Hemp Extract on the ingredient list of CBD products.
  2. Remember that Hemp Seed Oil or Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil isn’t the same as CBD oil. 
  3. Look for products with a THC amount less than 0.3%.
  4. Check if the products are certified and tested by a third-party lab, proving the formula's purity and amount of CBD.
  5. Check for the total amount of CBD in the product. Some manufacturers list the total content in milligrams, while others break it down into the amount per use.
  6. Another important step is to find a trusted brand with positive ratings and reviews because many companies mislabel the products and don’t fulfill their claims.
  7. Last but not least, go for stable packaging. Avoid products that come in packaging that may expose the content to light, making it less effective.

How to Use Your CBD Skincare Products?

How you apply your CBD skincare products depends on what kind of product you’re using. Like any other skincare product, layer from thinnest to thickest consistencies. Follow the same order as your regular skincare products when you’re using a CBD essence, serum, moisturizer, cleanser, oil, face mask, or any other product. All you have to do is follow the instructions written on the label, and you’re good to go. 

Also, you don’t have to go overboard with CBD products. Less is more. So, instead of choosing all your skincare products with CBD, find one or two finer-quality products as too much of any ingredient can aggravate your skin. Plus, it’s good to start with lower concentrations to see how your skin reacts to CBD and then move to higher amounts.

Risks and Side Effects of CBD Skincare

Sometimes, your skin may react to CBD or other active ingredients in CBD products. Therefore, it’s advised to perform a patch test and start with products containing a low amount of CBD. Also, the FDA warns against the use of all kinds of CBD products, including topical products, food, and supplements, for pregnant and nursing women.

The Bottom Line

CBD is found in an array of products, whether wellness products, chocolates, candles, coffee, or skincare products. Its natural anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-aging effects make it a great candidate for skincare lovers. CBD oil, lotions, creams, and serums are readily available in many parts of the world and can be easily found in beauty stores these days. It’s safe to say that the CBD market is growing fast, and the CBD obsession isn’t going to subside anytime soon.



  1. Bauer, Brent M.D. ‘What are the benefits of CBD- and is it safe to use?’, org. Accessed August 10, 2021. Available at: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/expert-answers/is-cbd-safe-and-effective/faq-20446700
  2. Campbell, Todd. (2019). ‘Hemp vs Marijuana: What’s the Difference?’, Accessed August 11, 2021. Available at: https://www.fool.com/investing/2019/02/09/hemp-vs-marijuana-whats-the-difference.aspx
  3. Coelho, Steph. (2020). ‘What to know about broad-spectrum CBD’, Accessed August 11, 2021. Available at: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/broad-spectrum-cbd#_noHeaderPrefixedContent



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