Reasons for Adding Niacinamide to Your Skincare Routine

Reasons for Adding Niacinamide to Your Skincare Routine

Posted by Brooklyn on

Although niacinamide is not a new skincare ingredient, it seems to have recently taken the whole skincare and beauty world by storm. This ingredient may even leave other more widely talked about skincare ingredients, like vitamin C and retinol, behind. Thanks to its countless skincare benefits, it has become one of the most common ingredients in skincare formulations. If you are not familiar with this recent favorite of skincare enthusiasts, estheticians, dermatologists, and beauty experts, here is everything you should know about niacinamide- and who knows, by the end of this, you may add it to your skincare routine.

What is Niacinamide?

This incredible skincare ingredient is a derivative of the essential vitamin B3 and is also known as nicotinamide. Since this water-soluble form of vitamin B3 is not naturally produced in our bodies, we must add it to our diet or ingest supplements to reap its health benefits. Similarly, you can add topical products with niacinamide to your skincare routine to gain its skincare benefits.

Besides keeping your body organs healthy, vitamin B3 is vital for the overall health of your skin. A decline in the level of this vitamin can lay the ground for various skin issues. This is why it is necessary to use topical niacinamide to keep your skin functioning and looking its best. Its gentle and safe composition makes it ideal even for those struggling with skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. 

Is Niacinamide Same as Niacin?

Although the names niacin and niacinamide appear similar, these are two completely different compounds. However, both are various forms of vitamin B3. Niacinamide is found in certain foods, including milk, meat, fish, grains, eggs, beans, green vegetables, and vitamin B-complex supplements. Our bodies can synthesize niacinamide from dietary niacin (also called nicotinic acid) when it is present in an excessive amount in the body. 

How Does Niacinamide Work?

Niacinamide works to improve the tone and texture of the skin by boosting the level of proteins required for keeping the skin in its youthful and healthy shape. Optimal levels of collagen, elastin, and keratin in the skin keep it supple and delay the onset of pesky signs of aging. It also enhances the production of ceramides in the skin, helping to keep it hydrated and moisturized. Moreover, its antioxidant effect shields the skin cells against oxidative damage and fortifies its protective lipid barrier. 

What Are the Benefits of Niacinamide?

As you continue to read below, we will provide you some of the key benefits of adding niacinamide to your daily skincare routine to help improve your skin:

  • Protects Against Oxidative Stress - Niacinamide protects and preserves skin cells in their healthier form by preventing damage caused by harmful external factors, such as free radicals, UV rays, toxins, and pollution. It also fights against DNA damage that can happen as a result of these environmental stressors. Niacinamide renews and repairs damaged skin cells and is often used in sunscreens to yield added protection against UVA and UVB rays
  • Hydrates and Nourishes the Skin - As mentioned, niacinamide keeps the skin cells protected against different kinds of damage by strengthening the outer protective layer of the skin. This doesn’t only inhibit cell breakdown but also replenishes moisture and prevents further loss of moisture. In addition, niacinamide assists with producing ceramides (fatty acids) that keep the skin moisturized and nourished. So, if your skin problems include a dry or dehydrated complexion, add a niacinamide serum, cream, or lotion to your skincare routine.
  • Delays and Treats Signs of Aging - Proteins naturally found in our skin, such as collagen, keratin, and elastin, are responsible for keeping the skin firm and vibrant. Niacinamide in your serums and creams can restore the optimal levels of these proteins, helping to delay and reverse the unwanted sign of aging, like wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines. Also, its antioxidant properties prevent sun damage that may otherwise lead to the premature onset of aging.
  • Soothes Inflammation - Whether you experience inflammation or itchiness due to dryness or sensitivity to certain ingredients, niacinamide can provide soothing and calming effects to your skin. The intense hydrating and anti-inflammatory features of niacinamide help minimize irritation, blotchiness, flakiness, and redness of the skin. It also works effectively to treat inflammatory conditions related to acne. 
  • Reduces Hyperpigmentation - If you are worried about brown spots, discoloration, melasma, sun spots, or any other type of discoloration on your skin, incorporating niacinamide into your skincare regimen can help you treat the problem. It increases collagen levels, influences melanocyte-producing enzymes, and prevents cell damage, which can lighten dark spots and brighten the complexion. As a result, you may notice visibly clearer, brighter, and even-toned skin.
  • Helps Acne-Prone Skin - The benefits of niacinamide are not limited to just relieving dry and dehydrated skin. It also works well to stabilize and regulate sebum production by restoring the skin’s lipid barrier and the sebaceous glands. We know that when sebaceous glands go into overdrive, they contribute to an excessive level of sebum in the skin, which is known to cause acne breakouts. Niacinamide helps manage and treat acne-prone skin by lowering the amount of oil produced by these glands.²
  • Minimizes Appearance of Enlarged Pores - When skin is amply hydrated and there is not much excess oil accumulated in pores, it can yield many benefits for the skin. One such advantage is the appearance of minimized pores, and long-term use of niacinamide is helpful to achieve this result. If your skin goal is to reduce the appearance of pores and achieve that radiant, soft, smooth skin, give niacinamide a shot. A great product that includes Niacinamide is Sundree’s RYSE+SHYNE facial serum. This lightweight facial serum will work overtime to hydrate the skin while minimizing the appearance of pores.
  • Suitable for Everyone - This powerful skincare ingredient is excellent for people with different skin types and concerns. Besides treating and managing a number of skin problems, niacinamide is highly recommended for those with sensitive skin that are prone to inflammatory skin problems.

How to Use Niacinamide?

If you are new to the world of niacinamide and not sure how you should incorporate it into your skincare routine, we are here to help you get started. Niacinamide can be found in an array of different products such as cleansers, serums, moisturizers, and exfoliants. A serum with niacinamide is an effective way of allowing your skin to absorb the goodness of this ingredient. After washing your face thoroughly, apply a toner and use your topical niacinamide serum. You can use your niacinamide serum on its own or choose to apply a cream or moisturizer on top. We like to apply it all over the face and neck.

Does Niacinamide Work Better with Other Ingredients?

A common question that continuously pops up about niacinamide or any other active ingredient is whether they are safe and effective when used in combination with other ingredients. Many skincare ingredients yield better results when used in combination with other skincare ingredients. Similarly, niacinamide is a gentle compound that can be used with other skincare ingredients to ensure its maximum effect. 

Which Ingredients Work Best with Niacinamide?

Niacinamide works very well when combined with other active ingredients. Niacinamide works well with alpha arbutin, kojic acid, and hydroquinone to treat hyperpigmentation.³ Serums that include Niacinamide have shown to work significantly well when combined with hyaluronic acid. Not only will Hyaluronic acid hydrate and help with dryness, but it also has the ability to enhance the absorption of niacinamide serums, maximizing its skin benefits. Another ingredient that Niacinamide pairs well with is CBD (cannabidiol). Being such a powerful antioxidant and having anti-inflammatory properties is why CBD facial serums are on the rise. 

Here at Sundree, we believe in optimistic skincare for healthy, happy skin. We believe your skin should be the best reflection of you. That’s why when formulating Sundree’s RYSE+SHYNE facial serum, we made sure only to include the finest ingredients. We took power-house ingredients- Hyaluronic Acid, Niacinamide, and CBD and combined them to produce a lightweight CBD facial serum. Packed with skin-boosting active botanicals, this CBD facial serum will help improve your skin’s texture and minimize the appearance of pores.

Expected Results of Using Niacinamide

As with any other skincare ingredient, niacinamide may also take weeks to provide desired and significant results. Some suggest a visible improvement after just four weeks of use. The longer you use topical niacinamide, you will observe results in the form of smoother, firmer, hydrated, and brighter skin.  

Final Thoughts

Regular use of topical niacinamide as a part of your skincare routine can positively affect your skin's overall appearance and health to achieve skin goals. This ingredient effectively minimizes and treats all sorts of skin problems, including hyperpigmentation, dryness, inflammation, wrinkles, sun damage, and acne breakouts. However, as mentioned, you may have to use it for a few weeks to achieve your desired outcome. Remember, to see any improvement in your skin, consistency is key, so try and be patient.



  1. Migala, Jessica. (2020). ‘Niacinamide Is the Gentle Ingredient Sensitive Skin Loves’, According to Dermatologists’, Prevention, Accessed June 18, 2021. Available at:
  2. WebMD. (2020). ‘Niacinamide’, Accessed June 17, 20201. Available at:
  3. Rud, Melanie. (2020). ‘Here’s Why-and How- You Should Add Niacinamide to Your Skincare Routine’, Real Simple, Accessed June 15, 2021. Available at:

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